WinADay Casino has just completed a makeover of its mobile online casino and the site is celebrating the renovation by offering five limited-time deposit bonuses along with a complimentary voucher for any of its mobile slots worth $15.The online casino declared that its new-and-improved mobile service sees slots run ‘much faster’ while also featuring a more tappable interface for use with tablet computers and smartphones.“This upgrade has made a huge improvement to how the games can be played on mobile devices,” read a statement from Michael Hilary from WinADay Casino.“With bigger buttons and graphics the games are now easier to tap, swipe and spin for those wins. All members can now sign into WinADay Casino on their mobile device and easily browse a simple, bright and attractive interface that replicates the desktop site for their favorite game.”To celebrate its latest innovation, WinADay Casino is offering all players a complimentary voucher valued at $15 for use on any of its mobile slots simply for entering the coupon code ‘10FREEBIE’ before February 5. The same deadline applies to its range of special deposit bonuses including a one-off full matching offer worth up to $250 to those utilizing the code ‘BEMOBILE’ and parting with a minimum of $25.WinADay Casino is moreover offering an unlimited number of 30 percent, 50 percent and 70 percent deposit bonuses to those using the coupon code ‘MOBILEMANIA’ when laying down at least $25, $71 and $171 respectively.As if this wasn’t enough, mobile video poker players can enjoy a 30 percent deposit bonus worth up to $100 and valid up to three times a day for entering the code ‘POKER’.