Jackpot Capital's $100,000 Bonus Giveaway

Jackpot Capital's $100,000 Bonus Giveaway

8/25/2014 12:36:51 AM  By Christopher Bradshaw

Jackpot Capital Casino is inviting players to get Back On Track and win courtesy of its latest $100,000 giveaway. Casino bonuses worth thousands will be awarded in random raffle draws with even more handed out as weekly scorboard prizes throughout the autumn.

“Players told us that they really like the random draws that we’ve been doing,” said casino manager Oliver Smith. “So we’re doing even more raffles this time! You just have to be logged on to qualify.”

Taking part is easy. Players earn Scoreboard points just by enjoying their favourite games. The more you play, the better the chances of a big prize with a weekly bonus of $500 going to the player at the top of the leader board. $2,560 will be awarded each week in a series of five weekly draws. A further $8,500 will be handed out in two further giveaways.

The start of the working is a grind for many but Jackpot Capital's players can look forward to Mondays when the casino will award $10,000 in bonuses to players in the upper echelons of the Scoreboard.

Players will be able to fly up the scoreboard courtesy of Bonus Boosts of up $150 which will be awarded every Friday.

One Jackpot Capital regular offered some advice for players looking to improve their chances of securing a hefty bonus, “I like my slots, and I only play at Jackpot Capital, so I do pretty well with Scoreboard bonuses most months. If you’re in third to tenth place you get $300 but if you’re in the top three you get $500. So if I’m in fourth place I try to bump myself up a notch over the weekend, before Monday morning bonusing. Play my favorite games a little more? Sure, no problem!”

Players can keep track of how they're doing by visiting the Back on Track Player Rankings Scoreboard.

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